
Autonoom werk


Outside of the driven custom work, Arjen is developing his own autonomous work. He creates art and design objects with a hands-on / playfull attitude driven by contextual relevance and meaning + made with very simple and direct actions. He questions the connection between nature and man, and themes of impermanence, playfulness and alienation of material are a common thread in his work. Arjen's signature approach is steeped in material experimentation. He strives to fathom different methods and materials and translate them into contemporary designs, with particular attention to detail and finish.



- Galerie Brandstof -
Zomer 2024

Object 2024
Design: Stammie Collection

- Kunstschouw 2022
(Nominatie talent jonge kunstenaar) (prijs voor materiaal jury rapport)


- 2020 Locatie Seelab-tuin in Scheveningen,  wood-fired ceramics kiln. (link)


- 2024 Artiekel in het ‘Financeel dagblad, bijlage, FDpersoonelijk’ over de stoelen STAMMIE (lees hier)

- Krant Het Kontakt West-Betuwe (Lees hier

︎ Aw@atelieraw.nl
︎ _atelieraw_